Hi folks
I’d like to clarify Maurice and my offer re our $5000 waiting list deposit. We have offered to underwrite the cost of Frank Scurr doing a section of the fence associated with the memorial in order to cost it. 
Not anticipating this will be $5000. We’re not that generous! 

On 24/07/2020, at 12:51 PM, Anne Thomson <e.anne.thomson@gmail.com> wrote:

Attached are the notes from last night - please send me any corrections or additions.

The first site visit is happening right now - tomorrow's visits are at 10am and 11 am.

Body Corp workshop Sunday 2pm-5pm at Numberworks

Potluck meal at 25 Pacific St Sunday 6pm

Hope Sue, Roz and Michael are all on the mend.


<Notes 23 July 2020.docx>
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