I Min

I'm coming to the workshop at your place on Saturday morning - having missed the last couple, I think a refresher course and overview would be useful. But I have a 1st birthday party to go to at 1pm so I will leave soon after 12.

This also means that, having suggested a walk/hike/stroll with Anna and Antony could be good on Saturday, I won't be taking part! But I still think it's a good idea, and it looks like the weather will be perfect with it. A not-too-arduous walk is to start at Woodhaugh Gardens, through the last remaining stand of kahititea bush, then follow the Leith up to the beginning of the Ross Creek walkway, which is now open at the top, so that you can do the circuit round the reservoir and back again. Or if people want some serious walking, Bethune Gully to the top of Mt Cargill is definitely a good one!

Anyway, see you tonight.

On Sat, Oct 19, 2019 at 8:57 PM Min <yblees@orcon.net.nz> wrote:
Hello all,

There is a Workshop on the Sunday, 27th October.  Several members are
away over that Labour Day Weekend, so it will be a small gathering at my

61 Isadore Road, Saint Clair (Opposite the Saint Clair Golf Course)

10.30 am start.  Bring a pot luck lunch.  I'll provide all
tea/coffee/milk and drinks.  And think about ideas for the afternoon
excursion as well - I'll leave that to someone else to organise.

Anna and Antony will be coming down to Dunedin for this workshop, so I
would like to take the opportunity to go through the whole Body Corp
document with them.  Not just the rules, but also going through all the
discussions they have missed about what they would LIKE or EXPECT from
living in Cohousing.

Please rsvp to this email if you're coming, so I can get an idea of numbers.



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