Thanks for clarification, Susan. Sorry for jumping to hasty conclusion. 

Gay Buckingham
027 4544012

On 22/07/2021, at 7:58 AM, Susan Jack <> wrote:

Apologies Gay. We’re not advocating a reversal. We have just been informed this week that we will have around $196,000.00 of unspent funds after all expenses are paid (first extra item) which we were planning to present tonight. We are conscious of the difficulty paying more may pose (the proposed koha) so wanted to help relieve that. We only had our directors meeting last evening starting at 8pm hence the very late notice.

Our apologies.


On 22/07/2021, at 1:14 AM, Gay Buckingham <> wrote:

To expedite discussion within the larger group,  I understood we had agreed agenda items would be, where ever possible, accompanied by background research, list of options, and a recomendation from the associated group.

On tomorrow's agenda item #3 from the directors reads: 
"3. Proposing that this year’s insurance bill is not clawed back from unit holders." 

I do not know understand what this is about. There is no accompanying information.

I hope I am just jumping to conclusions and have got this wrong, but it appears the directors may be advocating a reversal of the Admin Groups proposal of koha from residents-in-occupation prior to settlement. (The group was asked to examine the issue and come back to to the group.) If this is so, why not share the discussion points  prior to the meeting, rather than bring eleventh hour dissension to the Admin Groups reworked proposal?

A "no surprises policy" helps create the harmonious and cooperative society we aim for. Prior to our meeting I would like to know what item 3 is about, the solution options, the rationale behind their reccomendation.

That sort of shared information should make tomorrow's discussion both far reaching and succinct.

Best, Gay

Gay Buckingham
027 4544012

On 21/07/2021, at 9:34 PM, Susan Jack <> wrote:

Hi Marianne and all

The Directors would like to add a few more items to the agenda please:
1. Final forecast of remaining money (more than we expected) and proposing we plan for workshops to decide how this is best spent
2. Proposing repayment of loan to external lenders who had not requested interest, with a token 1% per annum interest on their loans when repaying as a gesture of thanks for their commitment to the project which was for a lot longer period time than ever expected
3. Proposing that this year’s insurance bill is not clawed back from unit holders

Many thanks,


On 21/07/2021, at 12:57 PM, <> <> wrote:

Hi to you all: see attached agenda and report from the Admin group. 
You are all invited to come to the meeting ready to sing 1- 3 verses of the Waiata to warm up the evening as we start - ! 
Any more apologies to me please. 
If you’ve sent other agenda items to Sara, she may not have got to them so please send on to me so I can include these. 
Best wishes meantime, 
Marianne Quinn
Level 3, 115 Stuart Street, Dunedin
P.O. Box 20, Dunedin 9054
ph +6434773115 or 0211612050
<Agenda Thursday 22nd July 2021.docx><Admin group report for meeting 22nd July re Koha.docx>_______________________________________________
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