Hi all,

There has been some interest from people to hear Antony Hamel on Thursday and no-one expressly saying they did not think it appropriate use of the informal meeting, so I will go ahead and invite him to join us at 8pm on Thursday. He will give us a short talk and we are then free to ask any questions we might have.

Is there someone willing to take notes for any interested parties, who are not able to join us on Thursday, please?

See you Thursday at the usual link at 7.30pm


Zoom link: https://otago.zoom.us/j/9016259016?pwd=ZGZQRnM2L2tsai90eENKRExQUEtJQT09
ID: 9016 25 9016      password: 25 25 25 

Begin forwarded message:

From: Catherine Spencer <cmspencer.nz@zoho.com>
Subject: AdviceForSellingInCurrentDunedinMarket
Date: 29 May 2020 at 6:14:12 PM NZST
To: UCOL shareholders <ucol-shareholders@list.king.net.nz>

Hi all,

Towards the end of last year, Antony Hamel, lawyer, who specialises in property and conveyancing and represents a number of cohousers, came to a meeting for those of us interested in selling our houses before moving into cohousing. Given the ensuing changes from Covid 19, he is keen to meet again with any interested cohousers to update them with the current house market since lockdown levels have eased. Again there are no costs or obligations with such a meeting and is open to any cohousers, whether or not they are his clients.

For ease of organising, I have suggested that he could zoom into the “social” meeting next Thursday at 8pm for half an hour, along with questions for any one interested, if this is acceptable to people. Please let me if you are interested and would like for that to happen at that time. If there is sufficient interest we will go ahead, otherwise will find another time - though tricky to co-ordinate - for those interested.
