Yes - good point Rainer.


"Don't waste your life in doubts and fears; spend yourself on the work before you, well assured that the right performance of this hour's duties will be the best preparation for the hours and ages that will follow it". Ralph Waldo Emerson

On Thursday, 17 June 2021, 05:59:40 PM NZST, Rainer Beneke <> wrote:


actually the 11 million dollars are excl GST. our total budget for the 24 units is 13.1 million Dollars incl GST. And to be honest, the extras for appliances, painting, tiles, splash backs, some essential wardrobes or bench tops, pergolas, fences (labour anyway), etc should be added too. For our unit it was $25,000 plus labour. (24 x 25,000 = $600,000: say 1/2 million)

regards Rainer

Please call me if you need an urgent reply.

Rainer Beneke
+64 21 144 7700

On 17/06/2021, at 5:13 PM, Susan and Kristin Jack via Ucol-shareholders <> wrote:

H Anthony & co,

this is great thank you!

I think some of the stats that people will be wanting to know about are around costs & energy consumption/savings.

The total build was projected at $11 million - so divide that by 24 & you get the 'average' cost of building 24 houses on a relatively small footprint - a good stat to be able to quote. (In actual fact, it was probably under 11 million, but we wont know that exact figure for a few more weeks - when Nicola, the accountant, does the final accounts for the company/UCOL). 

It'd also be good to get from Tim & Alex some of the average temperature & average electricity consumption figures so far (& as winter progresses). 

ngā mihi


"Don't waste your life in doubts and fears; spend yourself on the work before you, well assured that the right performance of this hour's duties will be the best preparation for the hours and ages that will follow it". Ralph Waldo Emerson

On Wednesday, 16 June 2021, 03:49:59 PM NZST, Anthony Doesburg <> wrote:

Hi All,

Four of us — Rosemarie, Pauline, Jess and me — met last evening to talk about publicity/outreach activities, including setting up a group to handle such matters.

First up was how to respond to reporters interested in covering our moving in. The ODT is keen to do a news story soon and a feature story for Friday week. We discussed who would be good interviewees and I agreed to ask if they were willing and/or available.

Also on that topic we came up with a list of facts and figures that journalists might find useful. They include that:

*the number of residents is more than 40
*the average age is just over 40
*the age range is under 1 to 70-plus
*there are seven under-16s
*the ratio of females to males is 1:0.7
*residents are of nine nationalities

These are approximations and if anyone would care to correct them or contribute other useful tidbits, please do.

We also talked about marketing-type publicity approaches from the likes of eHaus and Kiwibank. eHaus has asked Jess directly for an interview and Kiwibank wants to issue a press release that would include a cohousing contact person for media to approach. We felt this was a matter the directors might like to offer guidance on.

Other talking points included:

*induction workshops and how these can be co-ordinated with finding tenants for the units that are being let;

*what use we should be making of social media;

*possible dates for a formal opening and an open day for neighbours. It was felt there was no urgency for either and good reasons such as site readiness and weather suitability not to rush them and we should consider dates from August onwards.

The confirmed members of the group are Gay, Kristin, Jess, Rosemarie, Claire, Anne and me, and anyone else who would like to put up their hand to join or offer suggestions is very welcome to do so. Thanks to Ian for dropping in on the meeting to offer his photographic services.



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