Hi All, 
Conrad Anderson, a planning and business specialist, and his father, Don Anderson, were employed by UCOL to do our Resource Consent.
Before joining his father at Anderson and Co, Conrad worked at UPSTART Business Incubator which was jointly owned by DCC, Otago University and Otago Polytechnic. UPSTART helped high-growth companies get started.
Conrad is also my neighbour and a highly valued friend and his email comes, at my request, out of a casual conversation we had recently. Conrad was not aware, at the time of our conversation, of my lawyer preference.
Please note that I have made Conrad aware that we have a COMMERCIAL CONSTRUCTION LOAN with Kiwibank.
Lastly, when Conrad writes "UCOL's current legal adviser and former firm" he is referring to Helen Davidson and McMillan & Co respectively.
Read on and thanks,
Sue T
Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: Conrad Anderson <conrad_a@xtra.co.nz>
Date: 9 July 2019 at 8:38:46 PM NZST
To: taysue70@gmail.com
Subject: Comments from Conrad

Hi Sue,

Further to our general discussion on legal representative associated with UCOL you ask for me to make some notes for you.  Please see the following:

First, I think it is appropriate to highlight the following:


Usually there is a significant ‘understanding’ held by those working closely on a project.  Some of the finer detail is not necessarily documented, or becomes buried within the paperwork.  Hence, anyone picking up the file for the first time can either take significant time (cost?) to come up to speed, or initially might lack an appreciation of the finer details.  In these situations, it is good to have someone with knowledge providing close oversight – this usually requires further additional resources. 

In terms of the legal work required by UCOL going forward, while I do not have (or need) details on that, it would seem the following applies:

In terms of the ‘risk’ associated with the decision on legal representation:

Overall, risk is part of all decisions.  My experience suggests consistency has its benefits in most (but not all) situations.  My suggestion would be to see if UCOL can reduce any concerns to the point where there is comfort to make a unanimous decision.  

Hope this is helpful.  Kind regards, Conrad Anderson