_______________________________________________Kia ora koutou,Yesterday afternoon the commonhouse group had a busy meeting and identified several things to ask everyone before going further.· Soundboards: We need to move doors in the shed to get at soundboards, then move the soundboards (and maybe the doors? Anna will get an answer to this) to the commonhouse. For this we propose a working bee and wonder about this coming weekend and whether people would be around? Either Saturday or Sunday is fine, both are predicted to have good weather :)
Then we can answer our next question - how many soundboards are needed? Does anyone have information on how to attach them, and with that, who should do it (someone professional or ourselves)?
Does anyone have information on what is happening with the insulation pads – 10 of them. We would like permission to buy a big storage net container for outdoor equipment/balls, or if anyone has something of this nature to spare, may we please have it :)
Do we need to clean the chairs?
Those who reserved the items from old school fittings, have you actually taken the items?
When is the next UCOL meeting? We weren't sure if one was happening this week or not.
Notes from the meeting are attached for those interested. If there are things people see that need to be considered for our next meeting, please let me know!
PS. I'll have the keyboard tomorrow morning at my front door - unit 6
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