Oops. I meant to add this info from Juan to the bottom of the agenda

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Juan Puricelli <juan@sur-architecture.com>
Date: Thu, Feb 11, 2021, 12:02 PM
Subject: Re: [Ucol-shareholders] Draft agenda for Thurs plus Final notes from last week.
To: Jan Burch <jrb5050@gmail.com>

Hi Jan ,
My apologies for tonight but I have a quick update on couple of items which ca be done in one as “glass splash backs and shower screens “, see below .
Maria might be coming but unsure just yet , so possibly zooming , we are just too busy .
- Glass items for compliance : 
Splash backs have been measure and ordered and hopefully installed in 2 weeks .
Glass Shower screens, job is booked just needs the site measuring and ordering which might happen tomorrow or Monday , and hopefully installed in 3 weeks top. 
Also note that those having curtains are also to go and select these themselves and get them ready to be installed ASAP , we will coordinate installation from perhaps 21stFebr onwards .


Juan Puricelli 
Sur Architecture
022 6585021