Hi all,

I will not be with you for the induction workshop, though we will come for lunch.

Someone asked about bringing children - usually we welcome them, though the seminar room will be rather full. However we do have the 'tea room' where we could invite children - and bring some activities? I have a large box of duplo. Or could do Lego, though that's not so good if there are smaller children.

Are there a couple of people coming who would be willing to keep an eye on any children - taking turns between 3 or 4 could be good?

I asked those who had 'booked' to confirm that they are coming - currently 10 have (and 2 on Zoom) But I now have 20 households on my reply list, so the seminar room will be cosy.

It's great to see the level of interest - but we will need to be very clear about managing expectations.
