Wonder if I have the right email address this time……………

We are ok to put our names against getting a quote for a commercial kitchen and helping with the inside of the laundry. Regds roz and michael


From: Roz Wilson <michael.rosemary@xtra.co.nz>
Sent: Wednesday, 30 September 2020 8:22 am
To: 'alex king (alex@king.net.nz)' <alex@king.net.nz>; 'Anne Thomson' <e.anne.thomson@gmail.com>; 'Catherine Spencer' <cmspencer.nz@zoho.com>; 'Claire Loftus' <passionforlanguage@gmail.com>; 'Dennis Chan' <firstjuly@gmail.com>; 'donald and miriam (donaldshand18@gmail.com)' <donaldshand18@gmail.com>; 'Gay Buckingham' <gaybuckingham@tuatara.net.nz>; 'Jan Burch' <jrb5050@gmail.com>; 'Jessica Shields' <jess.alice.shields@gmail.com>; 'Liz Mitchell' <lizfrizzle1962@gmail.com>; 'Maria Callau' <maria@sur-architecture.com>; 'marianne quinn' <mariannequinn@xtra.co.nz>; 'mikehazelnz@gmail.com' <mikehazelnz@gmail.com>; 'Min' <bluefrog@orcon.net.nz>; 'pauline' <PaulineTaylor<pauline.anne.taylor@gmail.com>>; 'rainer (rainer.ucol@gmail.com)' <rainer.ucol@gmail.com>; 'Rosemarie Smith' <rose@voland.co.nz>; 'Sander Zwanenburg' <sander.zwanenburg@otago.ac.nz>; 'Sandy Ross' <sfross@xtra.co.nz>; 'sara ferreira' <ferreirasara@yahoo.com>; 'Susan Jack' <susanjjack@gmail.com>; 'Susan Taylor' <taysue70@gmail.com>; 'Tim Ross' <tim@architype.co.nz>; 'warren hurley (warren.hurley@orcon.net.nz)' <warren.hurley@orcon.net.nz>
Subject: FW: [Ucol-shareholders] timeline for to-do list


Our thoughts highlighted


From: Ucol-shareholders <ucol-shareholders-bounces@list.king.net.nz> On Behalf Of Rainer Beneke
Sent: Tuesday, 29 September 2020 8:00 pm
To: UCOL shareholders <ucol-shareholders@list.king.net.nz>
Subject: [Ucol-shareholders] timeline for to-do list


Hi all

These are some of my thoughts here, there may be other tasks missing. If someone has a timeline program or alternatively put it on a spreadsheet, that would be good. We might also have a white-board available at number works. See you all on Thursday and be prepared to take on tasks… regards Rainer



I would like to see a timeline that finishes on 

Friday 27th November (8 weeks) or 

Friday 4th December (9 Weeks)


these tasks are essential for code compliance, no particular order. 


Laundry finish inside and/or paint

Washing lines

Review and complete group agreement

  • insurance

               get quote

               change to Toiora house insurance after builders finish (payment?)

  • electricity supplier

               prepare options (subgroup)

               select supplier (group)

               change supplier when builders finish? or when we settle?

  • curb and angle parking

               drawings to DCC for approval

               approved drawings to S&W

               build S&W (Hall Brothers)

  • fence openings for unit access (also needed for S&W site works)

               quote for concrete cutting

               remove fence panels and 1 x gate & post

               cut nib wall

  • body corp

               approve body corp

  • unit title

               cut nib wall for surveyor

               send approved body corp to surveyor

               house/unit numbers???? 


  • 5 wall units (first half)

               2 x H-units

               3 x A-units

  • appliances
  • letterboxes


               group approval

               build letterboxes

  • quote for essential commercial kitchen


Please call me if you need an urgent reply.

Rainer Beneke

+64 21 144 7700