Hi folks

I’ve been reading the Resource Consent in relation to the fence and archway work, and been reminded that there was considerable discussion about the trees as a neighbourhood amenity. While the extreme views put forward were not accepted — Heritage NZ for example wanted to reduce the footprint of the High block to allow for the arch to be a formal entry to the complex, with a larger garden. Others wanted no perimeter trees to be removed at all. 

Relevant excerpts are below, but anyone who hasn’t read the report, it is worth it — or as a refresher.

The Urban Designer presented: 

I felt there was a lot of confusion in the hearing about the ‘Montpellier trees’. Even tho it was a blinding obvious fact the majority of the trees (apart from one HUGE ash) did not belong to UCOL (being on Megan’s section), many submitters had a an emotional investment that overrode their intellect. 

Fortunately the decision was sensible.

However, we ‘forgot’ to comply even with this condition, though can blame the elimination of a lot of the trees on the lines company. 
It’s a remote possibility now that any of the aggrieved neighbours could or would complain we didn’t fulfil this, (how would they even know), but its arguable there’s an ethical responsibility to take this concern for a green streetscape into consideration.  
I’m sure that’s what everyone wants anyway,  but in proportion to the size of their lot. There is no room for replacement forest trees, except perhaps in planters, to be moved on when they get too big. 

It would be enough for the eventual landscaping plan to reference the spirit of the consent.


On 2/08/2019, at 8:45 AM, mariannequinn@xtra.co.nz wrote:

Hi High Street folk: while not all of you are keen on gardening, you might all like to know all the spaces that gardening can / will occur! Attached is a drawing of the site with these areas identified. 
When you walk around the site at present, you’ll also get a good idea of the size of these spaces. 
Best wishes for the weekend – 
Marianne Quinn
Level 3, 115 Stuart Street, Dunedin
P.O. Box 20, Dunedin 9054
ph +6434773115 or 0211612050
<UCoL Garden Plan Names.pdf>