Hi everyone.

The admin group met on Monday, and I read the electric meters.  I will send a bill with your electric charges soon.

We would also like you to record your hot water meter reading.  If you don't know where the hot water meter is find myself or Juan to give you a hand.  I'm including some pictures from my house, the A units should be similar.

Also as previously discussed, if you have an electric car that is using the charging points, please let us know the odometer reading when you moved in, and the odomoter reading now.

If people can get these readings to us in the next 24 hours that would be ideal.



This is beside the pantry in the A units.

You should have a big plastic key to get in, mine was in the top drawer with the appliance instructions.  See me if you can't find it.


Inside my cupboard looks like this:


The red thing with the black cap is the water meter.  Lift the cap to read it:

read meter

The meter reads cubic meters.  My meter is reading 2.5