Late apology from me - sorry,  Gay

Gay Buckingham
027 4544012

On 11/06/2020, at 2:30 PM, Claire Loftus <> wrote:

Hi team
Apology: I may not be able to join you tonight, or may be late. I'll be babysitting for the first time and need to get the bedtime and story-reading routine right. So I'll just turn up if/when I can.

Agenda items:
I far prefer the name 'Toiora Cohousing', for reasons based on my 35 years experience in public relations, marketing, and user experience (i.e. thinking about things from the point of view of outsiders - not us, but all the people in Dunedin and the world who will use the our name to denote the buildings and the neighbourhood and its/our ethos.

Re: mail/courier deliveries - it is absolutely essential to me, running a virtual business, that couriers can find my front door in the material world and get my signature, because the deliveries may be confidential original documents. In the past it was occasionally even people's passports; thankfully that is no longer the case, but the things still need to be treated professionally and delivery must be reliable. I may organise a lockbox outside for my courier and all will be fine. Even so, I wanted to point this out, because in a previous discussion someone said things could be left at the common house, or a slip left in my letterbox telling me I have to return to the post office or NZ Couriers depot to pick up my own things they had tried to deliver me. I don't have time for that. I even know someone who was frantic about visas being delayed, courier company saying tracking showed they had been delivered. The person found the package of visas *the day before departure!* under a bush in the garden, where the courier had tossed them.

Random other request: is anyone here using Slack? I have a new client and am exploring ways of online collaboration. I'd like to find out whether it might be useful for us at Toiora Cohousing as well, as our long, linear meetings in real time, not to mention the recent debacle with confusing emailed discussion of exterior colour choices, have demonstrated that our current collaboration modalities are not working well for us.


On Wed, 10 Jun 2020 at 19:29, Warren Hurley <> wrote:

Attached & below:

UCOL Agenda:   Thurs 11th June 7.30pm                    via Zoom

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