Hi Sander

I ask for a secret ballot.


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On 10/07/2019, at 8:50 PM, Sander Zwanenburg <sander.zwanenburg@otago.ac.nz> wrote:

Hi all,


For your information, if we meet the quorum tomorrow, present shareholders can vote as follows:


1.            We will first be given vote ballots.

2.            We can mix our votes across FOR and AGAINST if we want.

3.            We cast our votes.

4.            We read and tally them.

5.            We announce the result.


The motion is passed if 75% or more of all present votes are FOR. The present votes include valid, invalid, and abstained votes but exclude votes of absent shareholders who have neither voted by mail nor appointed a proxy. So in effect, abstaining or voting blank is an ‘AGAINST’ vote, please be aware of this. If you have a nuanced stance you can express it by a mix of FOR and AGAINST votes.


Following our recent email communication, my question is if there is any desire right now to do this with a secret ballot. I have not heard it directly.


If there is, please express this to me before tomorrow noon. It is totally fine; we will honour it and I will arrange a way to this procedure with anonymous ballots.


If there isn’t, I will prepare named ballots.


Either way, we will confirm this with the agenda tomorrow and I will try my best to run this smoothly and efficiently. The agenda is ambitious and we cannot afford much time on procedural discussions.




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