Greetings all you wonderful worker bees who are creating such a wonderful place for us all.  

Sue will chair and I will notetake for the last time in January this week, so it's time to get your agenda items for Thurs 28 January to me.  I'm expecting there'll be a lot of people getting in line to volunteer as notetaker or chair for February. First to put up their hand wins the prize.

I'll confirm location when I send out the draft agenda in a couple of days.  Sander is attempting to get the Sustainability Centre because this week there's a holiday course running at NumberWorks'nWords'  with classes running until 7.30pm.  Since I'm experimenting with retirement I can get away early for notetaking and leave the new manager to look after things, but tricky for him to do that if we have a meeting starting at 7.30pm where students working :-)

See you Thurs