Enquiries from Trademe are coming in quick and fast at the moment. 
I have been replying to the initial approaches but there are two enquirers who are very keen and want to more information. I am over-committed on other fronts at the moment and wonder if someone could pick them up?

One: Jan spent a lot of time today talking to someone about aspects of cohousing but there were some more technical questions relating to sizes, finished units etc she couldn’t be sure of. The enquirer, Feye, is most interested in the 2/3 unit so maybe one of the outer 2/3 unit owners could help?  I have a long email from Jan detailing their talk and listing the information required. Obviously I can forward that with details to whoever puts their hand up. Feye, who has a son living in Dunedin, is from New Plymouth but is able to travel down for the induction.  Any takers?

Two: I have had a couple of emails from huh mi yum. (Her email also has 삼성 갤럭시 스마트폰에서 보냈습니다. and 원본 이메일  on it, if anyone recognises the language.) She says they are interested in a three bedroom house but I am not sure that she has really picked up the fact that it is cohousing initiative, not just a commercial development.  So I have gone back to her and reiterated the rudiments of cohousing and that she would need to be interested in that aspect before spending time talking. I’m waiting to hear back from her, but thought I’d include that info in this email to avoid having to send another to the whole group. if she comes back and confirms that cohousing appeals to her, is anyone available to talk to her by phone or face?

Thanks everyone, best – 


Gay Buckingham
+64 27 4544012