For Thursday's agenda: A request for a visit to the site. (see email below)

This would need  (1) agreement from Stevenson & Williams and (2) agreement from UCOL shareholders.
Does anyone have experience of the OPIA annual bus trip?
I presume that viewing from the road (with some explanation from one of us) might be an option without requiring access on to the site - if we wanted to do that.


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: High Street Cohousing Project <>
Date: Tue, Jan 29, 2019 at 1:47 PM
Subject: OPIA site visit
To: <>

NameKathryn Seque
SubjectOPIA site visit
MessageHi, I am part of the Otago Property Investors assn and on the 12th of Feb this year we are conducting our annual bus trip where we visit projects and interesting properties around Dunedin and was wondering if we could come and have a look around this project as it is a very exciting project for Dunedin.If you would be interested in this please let me know or you can call me on 0277278191. Thanks

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