Hi all. 
IMPORTANT !! & a reminder .
This Wednesday 7th July PLEASE! For those that need some items to be looked at or fixed by S&W, Please either be at home, leave an extra house key on the board and/or advise your whereabouts for one of us & S&W to have access to your place.

I will try (& maybe Anthony and however else that could help) to visit units between today afternoon and tomorrow to understand those items that need attention.


Juan Puricelli
cel. +64 (022) 6585021

On Thu, 24 Jun 2021 at 22:16, Juan Puricelli <juan@sur-architecture.com> wrote:
Hi all ,
Following tonight’s meeting and our discussion regarding project management of present and future projects and related building matters could I please ask to format your email / query as below :

Send email to my self and Anthony (for now ) & at Subect : TOIORA PM or TOIORA Projects .

This way we can organise emails easier and or find them for that matter .
I think we need to try to make all these related things going to one conduit .
We will try anyway .


Juan Puricelli
Sur Architecture
022 6585021