Hi all. 

Today we had a site meeting. 

SW have indicated that their final day on site will be on the 5th of MARCH. 

This would only be possible weather permitted and assuming that all things are aligned for final inspection (all trades certificates, as-built plans are submitted, etc.).
And assuming that the second round of defects inspections is done AS SOON as builders say that the site and the common house are ready to be inspected (possibly next week).
Builders need to work on those defects, so it needs to be done asap. 

Most things related to the first inspection have not been addressed yet...

The admin group will need to review the schedule to report on our estimated settlement date. 
I don't have information on possible settlement date (so please don't ask me that).




Maria Callau

TOIORA High Street Cohousing  
UCOL Member and Project Coordinator