Thank you Gay & Frances for putting these suggestions together.

Can I ask clarifying questions/make suggestions now, or should I hold them till Thursday evening?

If I could ask them now, they would be : ) - must it be Sept 26th when that's only a month away. Waiting longer could mean someone like Kathy from Earthsong could come & facilitate :) 

Could we add something low key & relaxing on the Sat night (voluntary attendance) - say a great film with marshmallows (that was off the top of my head, but Sunday's session feels quite 'heavy', & we may need more than an hour's social time to balance this out!).

I'd definitely favour an outside facilitator. The only local person I can think of is Toni McErlane, the NVC trainer now based in Waitati.

PS - isn't the final Con actually a Pro (for an outside facilitator)?

ngā mihi


"Don't waste your life in doubts and fears; spend yourself on the work before you, well assured that the right performance of this hour's duties will be the best preparation for the hours and ages that will follow it". Ralph Waldo Emerson

On Wednesday, 25 August 2021, 12:46:48 PM NZST, Gay Buckingham <> wrote:

Gay Buckingham
+64 27 4544012

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