Hi Sander and all

I personally want a quite private home when I move into HighstreetCohousing and definitely don’t need any online followers.

Others might feel different, and hence it is a very good idea to sit down and define 'what do we want out of publicity'.

regards Rainer

I check my emails once a day. Please call me if you need an urgent reply.

Rainer Beneke
+64 21 144 7700

On 18/06/2019, at 11:12 PM, Sander Zwanenburg <sander.zwanenburg@otago.ac.nz> wrote:

Hi all

Can we put online publicity on the agenda, when time allows?

Below is a report on it with my own observations and ideas (unsolicited).

Stay warm

During my holiday I had a good look at our online presence, especially updates around our project.

-          I discovered that eHaus is putting out regular updates about the build project on their website (with the latest update today!).
-          I also discovered that while some of their updates about ‘us’ are on their site, others are on their Facebook page, with about 1000 followers..
-          Some of our updates are on Facebook. Our page has 259 followers.
-          Some other updates are on Twitter. There, we have 174 followers.
-          Our website has quite a few undated references to our ‘current’ status that have become outdated, some of them a long time ago.
-          Our website links to TradeMe and Twitter, not to eHaus or Facebook.

In all, there are a lot of updates that can help inform ourselves, our fans, fellow cohousers and other stakeholders about our project, which is great (thank you!!).

Since they are scattered and largely unconnected, and some are outdated, I am not quite sure we get the most out of them. In my opinion we can do a better job with some re-organisation:

-          Improve visibility by adding cross-links (I’ve added a few on our site and Facebook already).
-          Create a hub where content is pulled from other places. I think this is easiest with Facebook where we could auto-post our Tweets, and share eHaus Facebook updates about us. EHaus’s updates on their site are cannot be shared as easily; maybe they are willing to shift more to Facebook.
-          Remove outdated content from the website.

Perhaps these are considerations that are best part of an overall long term publicity plan and some coordination with eHaus - we did talk about a publicity team earlier but only in the context of liaising with eHaus. What has happened since? Should we put a plan together? Now that we are full, what do we want out of publicity?
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