Thank you Kristin,

Very timely.

Kind regards,


On 18/02/2021, at 11:09 AM, Kristin Jack <> wrote:

Kia ora koutou Toiora/UCOLers,

As our PM might say - kia kaha atawhai - be kind, be strong.

One of my mentors recently reminded me that 'moving house' is regarded as one of life's very stressful events. I looked it up on the Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS) that psychologists use, & indeed on a scale of 43 stressful life events, getting a mortgage comes in at #20, changing living situation at #28, and moving at #32. Some of us are facing all three & frantically tidying up their houses & packing etc, plus have these uncertain dates & bank arrangements hanging over them.

Gay also pointed out to me yesterday that many of us will be working our way through a grief process as we say goodbye to old neighbourhoods & houses, ones in which we may have spent many years & built up treasured memories.

All difficult & challenging stuff.

It made me think that it might be good to name this, & once again encourage everyone in our meetings & emails to be kind/gentle both with themselves, & with each other. It's so easy when we're under stress to over react, or try to shift our stress by blaming others when things aren't going exactly the way we hoped they would (or at the pace we hoped!). Someone can say something that triggers a reaction in us, & part of us wants to discharge all our pent up stress by focusing it all on that person - they become the lightening rod (or in a worse case, a scapegoat) for our stress or worry.

In the midst of all this stress & busyness, let's remember to keep practicing gratitude, to take time out & do fun & relaxing things, & to be kind & look after ourselves - & each other. 

ngā mihi

Kristin (part of the Conciliation Team)

Kristin Jack - Manager/Team Leader, Rock Solid Youth Development Programmes, Dunedin.
Mobile: 022075 3286
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