Reminder 10.30 for induction.  Any extra people who can arrive by 10.15am would be very much appreciated.  These people always arrive early so they can talk to a real cohouser.

12.30 for shared lunch.  Finger food appreciated (so we don't need to use plates).  
I'm bringing green milk.  I presume Liz will bring along her wonderful selection of tea bags, and I have high hopes that someone will provide coffee.  With ten interested people expected we're hoping we get a good turnout for lunch.

1.30pm for workshop.  Warren has asked that we pre-read the document (attached again here) and ideally bring along a copy.  I've printed out a couple of spare copies (so that no one need feel that they need to stay away just because they haven't got a printer) BUT Thurs night I forgot to bring the printed copies of the agenda ... so best not to rely on me if you don't need to :-)

Looking forward to what will be our last induction to be held at the Sustainability Centre.  