Hi everybody, 

Following my email below, (sent after our last BC meeting last week) I have further information to add. 

We had our last site visit of the year last Friday (seems like ages ago!!) 
We discussed the current work being done around the site (site works) and highlighted a few things that have not been decided and/or included in the main contract and/or budget. 
We identified things that need to be done as they are essential for final inspection and others that are important to receive a tidy site that will enable us to work on our landscape, etc. (when we move it). 

A quick reminder that we have allocated some money in our budget to buy some landscape materials. 

When we move in, we will still have a lot of work to do around the site (bike shed, landscape, etc.); we can work on this over the coming year;  but the main paths (central area) and green area will be well defined. We also identified areas that needed to be finalised around the common house. 

One of the things highlighted was that the builders will need to bring in more soil than expected to achieve the levels required. They will also include the timber edging around the central green area (between grass and paths), which is a lot of lineal metres of material and labour. 

We have instructed them to use our existing sleepers for some of the steps and for boxing some of the concrete needed in some areas. 

The cost of this variation is not known at this stage but it was suggested that it can be close to 100K which will have to come from contingency. 

So if we review the numbers below, we still have some contingency left at the end. 
Depending on how much this is AND when we can settle, we still might have some money available that will enable us  to finalise the kitchen and bike shed. 

The Budget Control will report to the group with further information at the end of January.

Last email of the year...
We'll be back for our first meeting - mid January.
Happy holiday everybody!!
See you all next year. 

Best wishes to you all :)


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: High St Cohousing <ucolbuild@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Dec 17, 2020 at 1:47 PM
Subject: Budget Control Summary - December 2020
To: UCOL shareholders <ucol-shareholders@list.king.net.nz>

Hi all, 

The Budget Control Group met yesterday. 
Here is a summary of our Contingency: 

Assuming that we don't get any new large unexpected variation the total remaining at the end of the project (assuming settlement early March) would be around: 186K.
In addition we would have around 31.4K for the kitchen. 

See details below. 
Here is a list of variations approved for the PROJECT over November/December (from contingency)
Please note that numbers have been rounded for this email, for more details see Nicola's report / PCG meeting report attached. 

4..7K for fire alarm canopy
10.4K for patios (M1 and M2)
6.3K Guest Bathroom tiling, etc.
11.1K Slab (Hot water tank)
1.6K Handrails (site works, in addition to provisional sums)
8.6K Asphalt thickening
- 3K  For items identified as not needed (from items estimated earlier from contingency)
39.6K Total approved to be spent from contingency

Contingency remaining before items approved (list above): 76.6K

Contingency remaining after paying for items approved (list above): 37K
Assuming + 80K (A2 profit)
Assuming + 69K (Heritage fence)

Total Remaining at the end of the project: 186K


In addition, here is a list of variations approved for the KITCHEN over November/December 

8.1K Floor & paint
3.2K Plumbing and electrical plugs
1.6K Common House Kitchen 15 Amp powerpoint
5.7K Appliances
18.6K Total approved 
50K Total budgeted 
31.4K Remaining for kitchen - to be discussed in January 2021.

If you have any questions, we can discuss this at our meeting - end of January.



Maria Callau

TOIORA High Street Cohousing  
UCOL Member and Project Coordinator


Maria Callau

TOIORA High Street Cohousing  
UCOL Member and Project Coordinator