Hi everyone

Here’s a new draft of our Cohousing Agreement - version 4.0


I have tried to shift the foundation from being a consequence of the Covenant, to now being more of a statement of joint intent.


As others have said, our Agreement is enforceable only by continued communication.  It is a living document and as the community develops it must change to serve the purpose of its time.  At the end of the main text (page 8) there is a statement that we, and new tenants, and new owners, sign.

Putting one’s name on paper, and then acting accordingly, and trusting others to act accordingly, is what this Agreement stands on.


The current changes are in light blue.

They are the result of pending changes to the Body Corporate document,  plus a clarification around different levels of membership.


It may seem like a cop out to defer the detail in some areas, but I believe there is so much more pressing work to do, and on those 2 issues it would be best to get more data/see how things go  before committing to a stance.


I’m looking forward to discussing this on Saturday 30 January.


