Hi folks Unfortunately it doesn’t look like the refurbed panels for the scoping project will be in as promised by the end of the month!! They aren’t painted yet. But Craig of ZS assures me he’s working on them.
Plus, I’ve been promised the detailed costings will be produced on Monday, and will be chasing them up.
Only then will we know exactly what every element will cost, so it’s premature to panic and assign a large sum from the Contingency Fund. ZealSteel can’t do the work any sooner anyway.
Be assured this fence is a public asset — it has legal status as part of the Heritage Covenant on the memorial, and again as part of the DCC-designated High Street Heritage Precinct. There is public money to be had. The DCC Heritage Fund is right behind us.
We just have to find a way of tapping into other sources, most especially the Community Trust, and I’m very hopeful (despite past experience) that this new initiative from the Otago Heritage Trust might bear fruit.
However, if we do form a trust or incorporated society, it doesn’t have to have charitable status, which Marianne has rightly pointed out is difficult to achieve.
Cheers — and apologies if I don’t get there tonight, Rosemarie