Hi all,
This is for all who want to change from the synthetic carpet, as per our building specks, to a 100% wool carpet (https://www.godfreyhirst.com/au/hycraft/product/ravine?carpet=stonewall&...) This change will be a client request change and clients need to pay close to completion of the build.
To get a quote from S&W we were asked to supply a list of the units who want to change, and they would give us one quote for all units (not separate quotes). This is far more cost effective.
While no one at this stage is committing to wool, we need a fair commitment to wool carpet change. It is preferred not to go forth and back. I can not find my previous records but this change might cost $1500 plus or minus per floor (correct me if you can?). A- and D-units have 1 floor, H-units 2 floors, C-units 1/4 floor.
At last nights meeting following units showed interest.
A5, A6, H1, H2, C4, C5, D1, D2, D4, D6. Any others?
Can you please confirm your interest to me by Monday 16th, as there is a PCG meeting on Tuesday.
Thanks Rainer
Please call me if you need an urgent reply.
Rainer Beneke +64 21 144 7700