Hi all
Attached are my first draft of notes for tonight's meeting. Please send me
any corrections or additions.
Remember - working bee on Saturday from 9am. All sorts of possible jobs,
primarily relating to the excavator digging holes.
And shared Friday takeaways/leftover in the common house - 6pm
*Notes of UCOL meeting held on Thursday 29 April 2021 at 7.30pm*
*in the Toiora common house (with fire)*
*Apologies:* Rosemarie, Maurice, Miriam, Donald, Gay, Sandy, Jess,
Ngaire, Marianne, Claire
*Present: *Sara (chair), Anne (notes), Maria, Min, Karen, Rainer, Sander,
Frances, Anna, Anthony, Tim, Alex, Kristin, Pauline, Sue, Catherine, Jeffrey
*Minute 1: That the kitchen group be authorized to spend up to $25K
initially on washing-up line, freestanding oven +
installation. *
*Minute 2: That the heritage fence group be authorised to accept the quote
from Frank Scurr for new gates and to explore ways of matching the DCC
grant of $15K for refurbishing the fence.*
*Minute 3: We agree to the proposed budget for finishing the guest bedroom
*Appreciations: *Washing machines use, Donald for weeding, Sandy for lawn
mowing (the second cut)
*BCG recommendations*
Nicola has given BCG forecast final position, assuming settlement soon,
final expenses known next month.
Seems likely that we will overrun our budget by a bit. We still have money
in contingency, but not as much as we had hoped (if we settle within the
next month) - 75% of hoped-for contingency left.
$250K cash remains this month but still have S&W final account, plus lawyer
plus loans to repay.
$60K allocated in budget will not be used, so only $20K overdrawn, which we
can find by reducing kitchen and heritage fence budget by 25%.
*Kitchen* - Recommend that kitchen group spend up to $25K on washing-up
line, freestanding oven + installation. (Budget also includes $12K for
items already ordered + installation, and DCC building consent)
*Heritage fence* - Nicola’s figures suggest that money already spent on
heritage fence ($14,600 already [too high]) + money committed to be spent =
$82K over $80K budget.
(When setting complete budget, ZealSteel quote for fence $120K, drastically
reduced when included in budget.)
DCC grants $5K plus $15K: need to do work to spend money to access the
$5K grant to complete accessway plus refurbishment of existing gates and
making new gates. This work is required by resource consent and Heritage NZ
consent. DCC doesn’t count new gates and moving gates as Heritage
$15K grant to complete missing fence where bike shed was.
Frank Scurr much cheaper for manufacture of new gates, but Zeal Steel has
scoping exercise information of fence restoration. 3, possibly 4 original
gates may be able to be found – between 7 and 11 new gates required. Best
to use both firms.
Covenant requires preservation of archway and fence for 5 meters, adaptive
use of fence is part of resource consent.
Get gates done, do as much of the fence restoration now as we can for the
money we have.
- No budget for bike shed – next after kitchen and heritage fence.
- Other small items like landscaping around M2.
Landscaping in budget $42K – some now being spent. Some could go to bike
*Minute 1: *That the kitchen group be authorized to spend up to $25K
initially on washing-up line, freestanding oven + installation.
*Minute 2: *That the heritage fence group be authorised to accept the quote
from Frank Scurr for new gates and to explore ways of matching the DCC
grant of $15K for refurbishing the fence. *13G;4B*
Fire guard in common house – imperative with children around. $800 quote
from Mitre 10, twice that from Otago Fire. This is body corp item. Tim and
others will look at possible homemade options over the next week, otherwise
we will buy the Mitre10 fireguard for $800
Note: some expenses that properly belong with the Body Corp will be paid by
UCOL for the time being, and invoiced to Toiora body corp when the company
is wound up.
*[Black card* from Rainer – group needs to consider how to respond.
Min offers to have informal chat with Rainer in first instance over the
Conciliation team will also be meeting this weekend.]
· Fire alarms –sounders installed in H block bedrooms yesterday.
DCC fire inspector is in Invercargill this week, will need to sign off when
he’s back next week……
· C1/C2 steps - working bee needed to create steps to High St.
Maria and Tim will look at concept design for C1/C2 steps and bike shed
*Common house*
Sound panels – initially put up pale blue in corner by toilets,
installation as soon as glue is sourced.
Preference not to use metal shelving in common house – could be used in
pantry, laundry, garden shed workshop, meeting/craft room.
Use wooden shelving and bookcases in common room, could also cut down doors
for shelving.
* Named items in common house to be removed within the next 2 weeks.
*Guest room*
Costing for guest bedrooms - $1135 including painter
*Minute 3: *We agree to the proposed budget for finishing the guest bedroom
suite. *15G;2B*
*Update on Gather*
One workshop has been held, another will be scheduled.
Link sent out some time ago to access Gather – Sander can reissue
At least one person per household to be able to access Gather.
Capability to set up email group for workgroups and other teams.
What domain do we want to use? highstreetcohousing.nz currently, we could
also register toiora.nz as linked domain name. General agreement that this
is a good idea.
*Working bee this weekend: from 9am Saturday*
Macrocarpa will be delivered and stacked outside A2. Post-digger/excavator
will be onsite until end of next weekend.
· Digger delivered Friday afternoon for 10 days, experimental first
holes, volunteers needed to drive digger without hitting drains or fibre
optic cables. Also need to mark out with string/paint where posts go. Once
holes are dug, can look at shifting dirt, barrowing spoil to agricultural
area under topsoil
· Concrete mixer needs to be assembled.
· C1/C2 step to be designed and constructed
· Possibility of attaching sound boards to walls in CH if the glue
is here.
· Compost bins construction (if materials available)
Will the digger this weekend be used for M units? No – difficult access for
excavator, easier to dig a few holes by hand, materials for other pergolas
will be already onsite.
* Need to provide access between H and A blocks for delivery of macrocarpa
and excavator, keep car park spaces clear tomorrow.
*Next meeting: Thursday 6 May??*
*Sue is chairing in May – who will be note-taker??? *